I have always had a fascination for tarot cards and the esoteric. I remember many trips as a child with my grandmother to the neighborhood Botanica, the smell of Nag Champa incense even to this day incites a nostalgic magical trance.

My grandma would prop me on her lap while the ever clairvoyant Sonia would lay her cards. The incense smoke filled the room like wispy spirits and I would traced my fingers in the air to follow them while they danced. It was only the beginning.

I got my first-ever reading when I turned 19 years old. The spiritualist told me I, indeed, had a gift and that I would soon experience my awakening. Truth be told, I had been seeing auras and wishing for super mutant powers since the Saturday morning 90's X-Men cartoon, so, viola~

Shortly after, I experienced that traumatic spiritual awakening. It wasn't as whimsical and flowery as I had hoped. Truth is, I had suppressed these gifts for so long that when the experience took place it felt like I was caught in a twilight zone episode--not pretty. It was then I knew that had to pursue and understand the unseen world that exists parallel to our own. 

At age 22 I purchased my first deck. I rushed home, threw open the box and told the cards "SHOW ME MY FUTURE!!"

I'm sure you could imagine my disappointment when I couldn't figure out what a damn thing meant. All these Images, numbers, and different faces; what did they mean? Where was my magical future forecast? Why weren't the cards levitating!?  I was kinda over it at first, expecting some magical epiphany to indicate I had been chosen...

Little did I know, the Cogs of Destiny were turning, slowly. Now, here we are, years later and that manifestation has come to full bloom, after five years of in-depth study of the meaning behind the cards and intuitive reading practice. The cards still don't levitate, ya know, but I damn sure know my cards. My Tarot deck, spirit team, and my ancestors and I have gotten pretty tight. They continue to usher my direction on this path. Reading for others and reading for you just feels right. It feels purposeful.

So, just know when you come to me for a reading, I read with ethics and the sincerest of intentions in relaying clarity and guidance to your question and concern. It just feels right and it gives me purpose...

Thanks for reading my story